Queen Elizabeth II, the UK's longest-serving monarch, has died at Balmoral aged 96, after reigning for 70 years.
She died peacefully on Thursday afternoon at her Scottish estate, where she had spent much of the summer.
The Queen came to the throne in 1952 and witnessed enormous social change.
The King and his wife, Camilla, now Queen Consort, will return to London on Friday, Buckingham Palace said. He is expected to address the nation on Friday.
Queen Elizabeth II’(エリザベス2世は), the UK's longest-serving monarch(英国で最も長く君主を務めた), has died at Balmoral aged 96(バルモラルで96歳で死去した), after reigning for 70 years(70年に及ぶ在位の後で).
She died peacefully(女王は安らかに亡くなった) on Thursday afternoon at her Scottish estate,(木曜日の午後にスコットランドの領地で) where she had spent much of the summer(その場所は女王が夏の間に過ごしていた).
The Queen came to the throne(女王は王冠に至った) in 1952 and witnessed(目撃した) enormous social change(社会の大きな変化を)
The King and his wife, Camilla(国王夫妻は), now Queen Consort(今はコンソート王妃), will return to London on Friday(金曜日にロンドンに戻る予定だ), Buckingham Palace said(バッキンガム宮殿は言った). He is expected to address the nation on Friday(国王は金曜日にも国民に演説を行うとされている).
Prime Minister Liz Truss, who was appointed by the Queen on Tuesday, said the monarch was the rock on which modern Britain was built, who had "provided us with the stability and strength that we needed".
Speaking about the new King, she said: "We offer him our loyalty and devotion, just as his mother devoted so much, to so many, for so long.
"And with the passing of the second Elizabethan age, we usher in a new era in the magnificent history of our great country, exactly as Her Majesty would have wished, by saying the words 'God save the King'."
Prime Minister Liz Truss(リズ・トラス首相は), who was appointed by the Queen on Tuesday(火曜日に女王に任命された), said the monarch was the rock(君主は岩だと言った) on which modern Britain was built(近代のイギリスを築いた), who(そしてその君主は) had provided us(我々に与えてくれた) with the stability and strength(安定と強さを) that we needed(我々が必要としている)
Speaking about the new King(新しい国王については), she said(トラス首相は言った)We offer him(我々は彼に申し出ている) our loyalty and devotion(我々の忠誠と献身を), just as his mother devoted so much(新国王の母親が捧げてきたように), to so many(多くの人々に対して), for so long(とても長い間).
And(そして) with(~とともに) the passing of the second Elizabethan age(第2のエリザベス時代が過ぎていく), we usher(我々は迎え入れる) in a new era(新しい時代に) in the magnificent history(壮大な歴史に) of our great country(我々の偉大な国の), exactly as(ちょうど~のように) Her Majesty would have wished(女王陛下が望まれたように), by saying the words(この言葉を言うことで) 'God save the King'.(神は国王を救い給う)
⇒そして、第二のエリザベス朝時代の終焉とともに、女王陛下が望まれたように、『God save the King』という言葉を口にすることで、私たちの偉大な国の壮大な歴史に新たな時代を迎えるのです」。
The Royal Family has now entered a period of mourning. In the coming days, much of national life will be put on hold.
Official engagements will be cancelled and union flags will be flown at half-mast on royal residences, government buildings, across the Armed Forces and on UK posts overseas.
Members of Parliament will pay tribute to the Queen and take an oath to King Charles.
There will be church bells tolling and gun salutes as local and national organisations and charities organise ways to pay their respects, with commemorative events and books of condolence.
A state funeral for the Queen is expected in the next two weeks.
The Royal Family has now entered(英国王室は現在~に入っている) a period of mourning(喪に服す時). In the coming days(近日中には), much of national life(国民生活の多くが) will be put on hold.(停止されるでしょう)
Official engagements(公式行事は) will be cancelled(キャンセルされるでしょう) and union flags will be flown(英国国旗は揚げられる) at half-mast(半旗が) on royal residences(王宮), government buildings(政府機関), across the Armed Forces(あらゆるイギリス国軍) and on UK posts overseas(海外の赴任地)
Members of Parliament(国会議員は) will pay tribute to(敬意を表するだろう) the Queen(女王陛下に) and take an oath to(~に宣誓する) King Charles(チャールズ国王に)
There will be church bells tolling(教会のベルが鳴り響く) and gun salutes(銃声が響く) as (~とともに)local and national organisations(地元や国の組織) and charities (慈善団体)organise ways(~という方法を執り行う) to pay their respects,(彼らの敬意を捧げるために) with commemorative events and books of condolence(記念行事や弔電を)
A state funeral(国葬) for the Queen(女王への) is expected(予定だ) in the next two weeks(2週間以内)
God save the queen(神は女王を救い給う)